My Childhood Memories
paddy and gotten fish in the waterway for our living. We likewise raised chickens and ducks. We ate our poultry just on extraordinary events, for example, at Mid-Harvest time Celebration . Yet, we saved them for laying eggs. Once in a while we ate eggs. Yet, generally we used to sell them for cash or trade them for salt, sauce, oil, and so forth
The life in the town was basic yet hard. I didn't have toys. The main delight I could have
was messing around with different youngsters before the house in the evening. I needed to return home at the point when it got dim on the grounds that there was no power around then. Likewise there were so many mosquitoes outside.
Inside the house, we utilized oil lights to give light. Despite the fact that we used to peruse and write in the grave house, it was bizarre that nobody had nearsightedness as my kids currently have. I think the explanation was that there was no TV around then. Presently the kids observe an excess of T.V., which debilitates their eyes.
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